7 Easy Ways to Make Cash Fast That You Didn’t Think Of
Short on cash this month? Gas tank too close to empty? Put some extra cash in your pockets with some of these simple ideas to make money in Edmonton today! Get Paid to Drive Around and Listen…
Why You Should Choose Pawn Shops Over Yard Sales
Fall yard sale season can be tempting for many people looking for a deal, yet most of those deal hunters haven’t realized that there is a place with better deals and better products that is…
5+ Costly Mistakes Most People Make When Pawning
Pawning is a great way to make money but only if you avoid common pawning mistakes. Here are five such pawning mistakes and how to avoid them. 1. Misunderstanding Gold Gold is one of…
Counting Down the Most Expensive Watches Ever Made
Watches are the one piece of men’s fine fashion where you are encouraged to go all out. In a world where plain-coloured suits and modest ties are dominating board rooms, watches are the place to…
5+ Telltale Signs You’re Dealing with a Quality Pawn Shop
A pawn shop is not a second hand shop, a consignment store, or a money lender, but it is some combination of all three of those things. Above all, it is a business and so…
The 9 Rarest Canadian Coins + 1 Insanely High-Value Coin [2019]
Pearls: Different Types and What They’re Worth
A piece of jewellery can elevate an outfit, taking it from plain to flashy, luxurious or sophisticated. One of the most elegant and versatile pieces of jewellery is the pearl necklace. Most would agree that…
Why You Should Environment-Proof Your Guitar
Whether it’s acoustic or electric, your guitar is a finely-tuned system of wood, metal, glue, and other materials. Being primarily made of wood makes it vulnerable to extreme temperatures and humidity levels, as well as…